Dumb Life of Fruits & Veggies - new humorous funny mini-games with some dumb... but real cute fruits and vegetables, which are looking for the best ways to die. You have to save potatoes, sad berries, angry tomatoes, amusing pineapple, funny bananas and their friends, other fruits and vegetables. Dumb Life of Fruits & Veggies - great game that combines both humor and horrible thriller, can't leave you guys indifferent!
★ Funny original stories
★ Quality 2D graphics
★ Hilarious death animations
★ Hours of addictive gameplay
★ Compete with your friends on high score leader boards
★ Characters can die in nearly 100 dumb ways
Please take care to prevent veggies and fruits from dumb deaths. They deserve to live and be on your plate, ain't it?
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Please rate, share or like our game Dumb Life of Fruits & Veggies if you like it, we will appreciate!
Bisu Hidup Buah & Sayuran - lucu lucu mini-game baru dengan beberapa bodoh ... tapi nyata lucu buah-buahan dan sayuran, yang sedang mencari cara terbaik untuk mati. Anda harus menyimpan kentang, buah sedih, tomat marah, nanas lucu, pisang lucu dan teman-teman mereka, buah-buahan dan sayuran lainnya. Bisu Hidup Buah & Sayuran - permainan besar yang menggabungkan kedua humor dan film thriller mengerikan, tidak bisa meninggalkan kalian acuh tak acuh!
★ cerita asli Lucu
★ grafis Kualitas 2D
★ animasi kematian Lucu
★ Jam gameplay adiktif
★ Bersaing dengan teman pada skor tinggi papan pemimpin
★ Karakter bisa mati dalam hampir 100 cara bodoh
Harap berhati-hati untuk mencegah sayuran dan buah-buahan dari kematian bodoh. Mereka layak untuk hidup dan berada di piring Anda, bukan?
ARPAplus hubungan sosial (menemukan keren dan kualitas game!):
💎 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARPAplus.mobile
💎 VK: http://vk.com/arpaplus
💎 Twitter: http://ow.ly/NWQ0W
Silahkan menilai, saham atau seperti permainan kami Bisu Hidup Buah & Sayuran jika Anda suka, kami akan menghargai!
Dumb Life of Fruits & Veggies - new humorous funny mini-games with some dumb... but real cute fruits and vegetables, which are looking for the best ways to die. You have to save potatoes, sad berries, angry tomatoes, amusing pineapple, funny bananas and their friends, other fruits and vegetables. Dumb Life of Fruits & Veggies - great game that combines both humor and horrible thriller, can't leave you guys indifferent!
★ Funny original stories
★ Quality 2D graphics
★ Hilarious death animations
★ Hours of addictive gameplay
★ Compete with your friends on high score leader boards
★ Characters can die in nearly 100 dumb ways
Please take care to prevent veggies and fruits from dumb deaths. They deserve to live and be on your plate, ain't it?
ARPAplus social links (find more cool and quality games!):
💎 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ARPAplus.mobile
💎 VK: http://vk.com/arpaplus
💎 Twitter: http://ow.ly/NWQ0W
Please rate, share or like our game Dumb Life of Fruits & Veggies if you like it, we will appreciate!